1 Thing To Be Aware Of For Good Health

By Greg Garner

Some have commented that it is the medical profession that has replaced the gods of ancient time, and this observation has its roots in the perceived degree of awe and reverence that healthcare workers are afforded. Indeed, there is a great deal of truth in this observation, for the healthcare worker will have a considerable amount of knowledge and experience, which they use to heal and help people.

Indeed, it would seem that healthcare professionals are also capable of performing a few miracles of their own, resurrecting people from the dead, successfully performing a highly risky surgical procedure, and generally improving the quality of the lives of their patients.

However, as powerful and helpful as the medical profession in all its various guises is and can be, we, the average man and woman, need to take responsibility for our own health. If truth be told, if each and every person was willing to implement just a few small changes to their daily routine, they would be able to improve their health and save the healthcare system a significant amount of strain.

In the Western world, where we want for nothing, and where food is readily available, we actually end up enduring health complaints which are unheard of in the so called 3rd world. Why? Because they do not have the option or the luxury of being able to gorge themselves with an orgy of food, which is saturated in refined sugars and saturated fats.


Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that we take proactive steps to ensure that we do step up and ensure that we do our bit to improve our own health. Remember, prevention is always better than the cure.

The following is intended as a breakdown of some issues to be aware of when trying to maintain optimal health levels.

Reduce Smoking

If you are a non-smoker, congratulations! You have spared yourself from a variety of deeply unpleasant, highly painful, and potentially fatal health problems such as strokes, heart disease, impotence, loss of libido, lung and larynx cancer to name but a few.

There has been a significant amount of research conducted into the precise effects that smoking has upon the body, and the results have been nothing short of alarming.

Specifically, a heavy smoker, i.e. a smoker who routinely smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, will increase the chances of them acquiring lung cancer by more than 50 times the level of risk that a non-smoker will face.

Due to the abrasive nature of the cigarettes, and specifically, the elements included in them, there is a heightened risk of developing cancer and this is due to the fact that many of the chemicals included in cigarettes are carcinogenic agents.

The mortality rate associated with lung cancer is astronomically high, and specifically, there have been reports that only 10% of all lung cancer patients will ever be ‘cured’ of the condition. Please note that this does not mean permanent cure, it simply means that the patient has managed the disease, it’s been inactive for a minimum of 5 years.

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