3 Top Tips That Help You Save Money On Your Electricity Bill}

3 Top Tips That Help You Save Money on Your Electricity Bill


Nic Masters

In this short article I am giving you three of my top tips on how to save money from your electricity bill. These three tips are: switch off your electrical appliances completely when not in use, install energy-efficient light bulbs, and use your AC more efficiently and conservatively. These three tips can start you on your way to energy independence, but at the end of the article you will find one further piece of advice, which will make even more of a difference to you.

These are my top three tips on how to save money on your electricity bill. By using these tips, you could save up to hundreds of dollars from your bill every month. And you can help reduce CO2 emissions and save the environment as well!Switch off completely your electrical appliances when they are not in use.When your appliances are in standby mode, they still use electricity. In fact, the stand-by electricity consumption of your TV, DVD player, AC, etc. amounts to up to 15% of your monthly power bill.It is quite simple in fact. All you have to do is cut off the power supply to these appliances centrally or individually unplug them. Then, when you need them again you can plug them again. Of course, this should not be done with your refrigerator or freezer, which need to be ON all the time, though.Change your regular light bulbs with energy-saving ones.Your old regular Tungsten light bulbs consume a lot of energy-much more than it might be expected of such small devices. This results in both higher electricity bill and higher CO2 emissions. So what can be done about this?There are special LED light bulbs, which give off as bright or even brighter light for energy consumption up to 12 times lower than the regular ones. They might be a little more expensive, but they also have longer durability-lasting up to 100,000 hours. So what are you waiting for? Go get those energy-efficient light bulbs from your local supermarket! And of course, don’t forget to switch off the lights when you are not in the house or don’t need them as well.Learn to use your AC more efficiently and more conservatively.The AC is a great device, which can give you warmth when you are cold and cool you down when you are feeling hot. However, it is also a great consumer of electricity and could thus be responsible for a large chunk of your power bill. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to use it efficiently and conservatively.Rule number 1 when using the AC is to have the temperature set on a more conservative value-not to the highest possible value in the winter and to the lowest possible in the summer. Also, don’t forget to keep all windows and doors closed, in order to prevent the warm or cool air escaping from the air-conditioned room. Furthermore, you might consider sealing and insulating your doors, windows, and walls, so that the warmth and coolness stay in your room as long as possible.To sum it up, in this article I have given you three great tips on how to reduce your electricity bill. These are the essentials, which everyone should and can easily do in order to reduce their power consumption and thus both reduce their electricity bill and help preserve the environment. These are great tips and they are a good start, but you would still need to pay for the electricity you consume. Now wouldn’t it be great if you could get free electricity? And I don’t mean steal electricity or something like that! Are you interested in learning how to eliminate your electricity bill?Now, I would like to share with you that there is a system, which can allow you to make your own electrical power. This system is easy to construct and install by anyone who has had at least some experience in home improvements and DIY electrical stuff. And this is a perfectly legal system, too! Only that your power company might not like it, since they will lose you as a customer, but that is their problem, right?

Instantly access more free tips, tricks and reviews about how to make free energy here: http://profound-ebook-reviews.com/2010/04/03/how-magniwork-create-a-magnetic-power-generator-can-help-you-eliminate-your-electricity-bill/

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3 Top Tips That Help You Save Money on Your Electricity Bill}