Zhongshan City}

Zhongshan City



Zhang Baoying analysis, this year’s lack of work and a few years ago when the so-called Reflect the lack of work are mainly in the garment factory, electronics factory and simple processing enterprises, and enterprises a move to go hundreds of thousands. Festival this year, lack of work, more concentrated in three industries: processing and manufacturing, modern services and traditional service. Is the front of the restaurant industry and the floor waiter, an average of one there are nearly five job seekers corresponding positions selectable.

learned that this year because the majority of enterprises in Wenzhou, started late, the migrant workers return to Wenzhou time accordingly postponed. The current to the Job Center Job seekers, most of the majority of older employees in Wenzhou New Year. It is predicted that as the business started around month 12, most enterprises will return temperature of the older employees to sort out, when the real job peak will appear in ten to fifteen during the first month.

It is reported that, for the convenience of businesses and job seekers, City Job Center will be the tenth day of the first month, the first month 13, the first month twenty hold three 2010 public employment services’ spring breeze action ‘special events provide opportunities to communicate face to face with the enterprise for job seekers. There are already more than 40 business registration.

yesterday, reporters and talent exchange center in Jinjiang City, Mr. Li Yanping. He introduced, Jinjiang City now needs a large number of management personnel and technical personnel. Recruitment group job seekers go to candidates.

: post ample desperately short of workers

Wenzhou needs of the top ten types of work: general workers, salespersons, waiters, apprentices, injection molding workers, security guards,casque beats, put up the workers, cleaners, drivers , mechanical turner.

Ningbo City, the human resources market a staff interview with reporters, said: The lack of people. Last year, general workers, food, accommodation is generally 1300 yuan per month, and now the basic 1500 yuan. The monthly salary of the general type of work generally rose over the same period last year to around $ 100-300.

According to reports, the first to raise the minimum wage as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces to the Pearl River Delta region, putting pressure on the Spring Festival, the Government has not yet raised the minimum wage ($ 770) circumstances, Zhongshan City Chamber of Commerce have to negotiate to increase the minimum wage by 30 percent. At present, Zhongshan City, general workers and mechanics wages, than last year’s sharp rise, many companies out of the minimum wage is over thousand Yuan . Now sorely lacking, Zhongshan City, home appliances installation, mechanical stamping, and other general workers, general workers a monthly salary of 1500-2500 yuan, electricians, welders, fitters mechanics need a lot of the monthly salary of more than 3000 yuan, can get up to 5000 yuan.

It is reported that most, Ningbo enterprises to the eighth day of work, is looking for a job in the fifteenth day from the peak period. Migrant workers can take advantage of the first month, eighth day to 15 during this time job, the success rate is relatively high, more and more choices will be able to job after the interview.

Shenzhen: a large manufacturing workers

before the Spring Festival this year, Dongguan, Zhongshan City, raising the minimum wage to keep people’s voices are also very high. According to local media reports, in late January, Dongguan The reason is: blindly to maintain the minimum wage unchanged, so that foreign personnel gradually flows to the other cities. Enterprises will have orders, but not hire people, can not pay the goods, had to pay three times the wages of work to do.

to Dongguan media reports, since August last year, called the Contrary to popular belief the economy pick up speed,coach handbags, some companies, almost forefoot dismissed workers back foot to start hiring.

general workers the Festival

reporter learned that, in order to prevent the loss of employees, Dongguan enterprises will be delayed one month of one month’s wages issue has become a practice. But before the holiday, some companies break the convention, the two months of salary payment delayed until after the Spring Festival. Yesterday, Hubei Public Security nationality of migrant workers working in a furniture factory in Dongguan Pengyuan Xi told reporters, his furniture factory due to being unable to recruit new and existing employees had a top two daily working time of up to 11 hours. The plant will be two months’ wages onto the postganglionic hair, Guowanchunjie he had to the factory report, or else

yesterday, for the growing problem of labor shortage situation, the Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau who made it clear that this year, Shenzhen will raise the minimum wage. Shenzhen City, the last adjustment of the minimum wage standard for SAR 1000 yuan / month, the SAR in July 2008, 900 yuan / month. Survey data show that 70% of people believe in Shenzhen City, the minimum wage should be set at 1500 yuan to 2000 yuan.


Yesterday, the reporter through the Shanghai recruitment website randomly interviewed a number of enterprises in Shanghai, the answer was unanimously.

It is understood, the Ningbo urban area private outplacement already have opened, some even in the first month the fourth officially open at the earlier than usual for several days. A rough calculation, each private outplacement has thousands of jobs, many companies resort is 500 people.

reporter learned that the the Wenzhou labor market the employment gap in the industry, mainly in traditional industries: clothing shoes,burberry soldes, metal lighters, electronic appliances, etc.. The largest gap of five type of work: general workers, waiters, apprentices, flat Sewing Machine and injection molding work. General workers, waiters, three types of work ranks of the apprentices demand gap in the first three.

reporter last interviewed one of Dongguan Da Lang Town business for many years in Hubei, the town of Long known for its wool, furniture manufacturing, now most companies lack of work 20% -30% of the serious lack of work up to 50%. a woolen factory has nearly 3000 employees, after the holiday orders jumped, the lack of work of more than 1,300 people, has seriously affected the plant’s production.

Mr. Lu days in Kunshan recruitment online information recruitment pipeline operators to provide a monthly salary of 1500-2200. But still did not hire enough workers.

effectively to ease the the postganglionic companies seasonal recruitment problem in the Festival nearly a month, Ningbo City, at all levels of the human resources market for the introduction of the 109 field of labor fairs all job-seekers should be free admission. Among them, the human resources market in Ningbo City, the period from February 21 to March 28, organized a total of 18 labor fairs. The first field of labor fairs after the Spring Festival is scheduled for February 21 (the first eighth day). Market Address: Feng Yin Road, Haishu District, Ningbo City, 187.

as in previous years, this year’s recruitment leaflets, the units are still the treatment in the first place. Reporter had an interview last year, Fujian Yi Feng (Manley.) Shoes & Garments Co., Ltd. person in charge of the Ministry of Personnel Zhang Longyan contact, she was the sentence: the first line of general workers, the recruitment will be to break the routine, in addition to the job fair held in the talent market, will organize enterprises to go face-to-face recruitment of the township general workers, completion of the recruitment and timely reunification of the organization applying for personnel arrived in Shanxi, to prevent candidates loss.

Year six, Wenzhou City Job Center Festival opening, job seekers are still a constant stream, but compared with previous years, the crowded situation still seems deserted a lot.

In addition, as a result of industrial restructuring, many companies in Dongguan by the labor-intensive to technology-based transformation, making the surge in demand for skilled workers. According to official sources, the Dongguan NC programming, tool and die master electricians, welders and other skilled workers, and the gap no less than 30,000.

yesterday, reporters phone connection Miss Xu Qin, general manager of Shenzhen and staffing. Shenzhen manufacturing, electronic appliances, toys, footwear, hardware and other labor-intensive industries, employment gap. To hire people, now some companies in Shenzhen in disguise, quietly increase of wages, general workers are up to 1700-1800 yuan per month in salary after the overtime, if overtime bigger salary can reach 2000 yuan, but labor strength. General workers, recruitment standards, said Xu Qin, relaxed, should move before 25 years of age, junior high school or women. Manufacturing is basically no degree requirements, gender restrictions, the age limit is relaxed to 45 years of age.

Liuzhou employment service centers the demand for labor, marketing sales staff, real estate salesman, mechanical cold working, painters, transportation vehicle assemblers, cold The demand for sheet metal processing workers than jobs, marketing sales staff employment gap of more than 4000. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian Province,

Dongguan lack of work is the most serious, electronics, furniture, clothing,coach outlet, toys and other labor-intensive production line.

According to the Guangzhou media reports, Guangzhou, processing and manufacturing, modern services, traditional service, three major industry, the most serious lack of work, lack of work is expected to reach 15 Million! The news from Zhang Baoying, director of human resources market service center in Guangzhou City.

Daiqin Lan chief said: two days of labor information, the labor remuneration of this year compared with last year increased slightly. Last year, the average monthly wage of Wenzhou City, the majority of types of work for 1200 yuan, corporate recruitment this year out of the highest monthly salary of 3000 yuan and 1000 yuan, the lowest, most types of work the average monthly wage reached 1,400 yuan, an increase compared to last year. two hundred yuan.

Ningbo City, the human resources market and employment statistics show that: the waiter, general workers, sewing is the most tight. Among them, the candidate waiter is basically holding a letter of introduction to report, you can direct induction; general workers and sewing the demand for workers is very large, and experience requirements than in previous years is much lower.

yesterday, the the Zhitong Recruitment Cai Xiaomei Manager, telephone interview with reporters,paul smith pas cher, said that due to serious lack of workers in Dongguan this year corporate job than last year, early. Affected by financial crisis last year, many companies postponed after the Spring Festival started, the market’s first job, had to be postponed to the first month tenth day was held. This year, many enterprises in Dongguan in the first month the sixth as early as the beginning of the

Zhongshan: S & P workers’ wages rose 30%

yesterday, Wenzhou City, Job Centre Information Kedaiqinlan section chief told reporters: statistics show that the registration of recruitment of the sixth day 16:30 As of the first month, a total of 383 units, but job registration only 306 people, the success of 266, there are 5627 jobs help wanted.

willing to to Zhongshan come, and no shortage of work.


: early last year by the global financial crisis, the eastern coastal areas of economic slowdown, a large number of migrant workers lost Kong to return home. After the Spring Festival, the province is a large number of migrant workers, farmers can not find a job frantic newspaper anxious to send 6 reporter dispatched to the coastal areas of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, the Beibu Gulf, interview, job Pathfinder for migrant workers to a foreign land. This year, the happening of the unexpected changes due to rapid economic warmer, coastal areas and the Mainland at the same time a serious labor shortage. As soon as possible to help the province and Wuhan city migrant workers to find satisfactory job, effective immediately, the newspaper will be launched in Coastal Areas, the city and the surrounding business and employment needs reported a platform for job seekers. What are the requirements, such as between businesses or job seekers can call our hotline: 82333333; or edit the LD + Content to 1062603077

As the economy has stabilized, the demand for labor in Shenzhen back to the financial crisis level. Shenzhen, the manufacturing sector needs a large number of general workers, the monthly basic wage in 1700-1800 (including overtime), and the companies have relaxed employment criteria, within the 45-year-old migrant workers in Shenzhen.

Wenzhou Labor and Social Security Bureau employment agency guidance services, deputy secretary of the king of Europe, Cheung said: At present, as the economy is steadily recovering, Wenzhou enterprises, a substantial increase in demand for workers, opening from the Job Centre The situation on the 2nd this year, ample business and employment positions, the employment of migrant workers than last year,louboutin pas cher, fewer migrant job this year than calm, and a large selection of room.

It is reported that the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, Yulin, and Chongzuo six cities, the Office revealed that after the financial crisis, the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone stimulating employment, especially manufacturing, electricity, gas and water production and supply, construction and other industries, thereby increasing demand for labor. A recently published by the

there are some companies, the rise in basic salary, to bring new and old employees 50-100 incentives, reimbursement of travel expenses and other ways, to keep people and recruit people to new staff.

Kunshan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Ministry spokesman Li Jinhai, the economic situation to pick up last year,franklin marshall, Kunshan has a labor shortage problem. To this end, organize the relevant departments in Kunshan City, traveled northwest, central provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions recruitment. It has 14 provinces, 46 cities and counties to establish a base of school-enterprise cooperation, and human resources development cooperation. At the same time, regular analysis of the employment needs of enterprises and key enterprises, the employment situation of the early warning and monitoring system. Each quarter of the employment scale enterprises in more than 100 people to carry out the investigation and monitoring of employment information. Even so, some enterprises are still facing the workers’ spring famine Especially labor-intensive enterprises, stretched more in the pipeline on the most in need of manpower.

Hubei in Dongguan Labor Management Office is responsible for people the Zhu Zhixiu in a telephone interview with reporters about,louboutin, according to the information they learned from various sources, Dongguan, the current shortage of workers nearly 30 %, close to the state before the city’s financial crisis. Based on projections, with more than 500 million migrant workers in Dongguan, lack of work when more than one million!

Guangzhou: the postganglionic three industry shortage of 150,000 workers

reporters see in the recruitment information released by the Yangpu District, Shanghai Hua Ming labor, its desire to recruit 30 forklift workers, wages of 2200 yuan to 2,800 yuan. Reporter to contact the recruitment of the company’s person in charge of Miss Xu, Miss Xu said that the forklift workers’ wages plus bonuses at the beginning of last year only about 2000 yuan. In the second half of last year, employment increasingly tense, although it will wage plus bonuses referred to 2800 yuan, can the recruitment is still not optimistic. A reporter asked why, Ms. Chen is quite reluctantly said: mechanic, wages of 1500 yuan plus bonus. The reporter called the company contact Dr. Wong’s phone, she even said a bad job. And has repeatedly asked the reporters: At present, only the Minhang District employment gap there are over 1000, mainly concentrated in the manufacturing, services and other labor-intensive industries. Companies have wage increases of 10% -20%, but still attract less than workers. Although the factory is not As for the work stoppage, but affects the production efficiency is an indisputable fact.

, according to Li Yanping, Jinjiang Recruitment focuses on footwear, equipment manufacturing and the trades concerned. Such as turner, Tenders, Packers, mechanics, cleaners, electricians, security, storage, statisticians, etc. would be welcome. In general, the ordinary workers’ monthly wage of 2,000 yuan, can also enjoy a monthly full attendance award, statutory paid leave enjoy seniority Award, Medical Mutual Insurance. Management talent and special types of technical talent, the better treatment.

on February 6 last year, the reporter interviewed the old appliance export enterprises Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province has 2600 employees – – Galway Electronics Group Yesterday, the assistant general manager of the group, Hubei Zhang Yousheng told reporters that the official estimates, Zhongshan City, lack of work about 13 million,casque dr dre, which accounted for 70% of general workers, technicians account for 30%.

yesterday, the human resources market in Ningbo City, officially opened its doors, Ningbo has ushered in the first wave of job boom after the Spring Festival.

Shanghai Migrant Workers Joint Director of the Office of Zhao Jiande, an interview with reporters said that the shortage of labor momentum in the fourth quarter of last year, had already appeared, but for now, is still in the normal range, strict meaning can not be called The current labor shortage, last enterprise in order to reduce the economic crisis, leading to the factory downsizing. The fourth quarter of the economic situation to pick up, business orders. May find it difficult to find so many workers,paul smith, resulting in the production to be affected. In particular, some labor-intensive enterpriselouboutinArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com
