Can I Rub My Back With A Magnet To Become A Human Magnet?

By Ramesh K

Yes, you can, but there is no use of it, although you and the magnet are being made up the electrons. Better you rub on iron rod or steel rod to act like a magnet.Here steel rod will convert to magnet after rubbing several time with a magnet. Why it is happening? When we rub from one end to another end on a steel rod with a magnet it is acting like a magnet. But when we rub our back with a magnet from one end to another end we are not becoming a magnet, still both are made up with atoms (electrons). But there is a chance to make a human magnet with this technique. Here we need one natural magnet to convert a man to a real natural magnet. What is that natural magnet that can convert human being into a real magnet? What would be he (she); is he the super power that we are looking for.

From ancient ages people were trying to make a human magnet. Ancient Maya tribal people also tried to make a human magnet. What is the secret behind the David Blaine magic, Is he is also using these techniques. Is he is also using that ancient Maya tribal techniques. Maya people tried to make a statement through their calendar which will be end in the year of Dec, 2012. Are they are tool talent to guess what would be happen in 2012. There are so many questions to solve about 2012.


When we come to our main topic people need one real natural magnet to make a human magnet. It should be one of the 5 elements. One element we are use regularly than other element is air, one of the five elements. It is going in side and coming out side 10 to 15 times per minute. When we take breathe it going inside and stays for a while and coming out side. So it is taking air electrons to inside and bringing those electrons to outside. Here we observe it is in and out in the same direction. But to make a magnet we have to rub one end to another. We should release air other way to make a human magnet.

One ancient guru named Patangali had done some experiments on making a human magnet. And he succeeded on that. He explained how to make a human magnet. In his technique people should use spinal cord to take breathe and release. And he explains how to fill spinal cord with air, and how to generate heat at bottom, and how to take that heat to head. In his view by doing this for several days our spinal cord and our body will act like a magnet.

Here when we generate heat at the bottom and that heat is in the gaseous state and it will automatically comes to top. Then it empowers the brain to make a human magnet. Then we a human magnet, Healthy, attractive, fit and super power person.

But there is technique to follow to make a human magnet which was revealed and you will get that on at my website. Look at my website and find out how to become a human magnet. The perfect person that this universe looking for.

About the Author: Ramesh is a fitness trainer and has done experiments on how to make human magnet. He will be available on his website

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