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byAlma Abell
When facing confusing immigration applications and long wait times, it can be tempting to view marriage as the fast track to US citizenship. Once married, the spouse of a US citizen becomes an immediate relative meaning there are no restrictions on the number of people who are granted green cards through marriage to a US citizen. A fake marriage to get around US immigration laws is illegal, however even couples in legitimate marriages can often find the process of verifying their marriage with the US immigration authorities stressful. If you are planning to marry a US citizen, an Immigration Attorney Nashville TN can help ease your fears and instruct you on the immigration marriage process.
US immigration authorities estimate that up to 30% of marriages are fraudulent and as such they require a great deal of proof that a marriage is real. Immigration authorities have a strict view on what is deemed a normal marriage. A married couple is commonly expected to live together, share a language and common religious views, and have intermingled lives. They celebrate holidays together, join in community activities, and mingle with each other’s families. They also share a bank account and own property together like their home and vehicles. Couples are expected to have sex and children. Couples who do not meet this criteria are subject to a much more rigorous verification process.
The couple is required to fill out the appropriate paperwork, take part in a detailed personal interview, and are subject to a two year testing period. If the government believes the marriage is fraudulent, they may also talk to the couples family members, friends, and employers. They will also make multiple visits to the home. The final step in a suspicious marriage is a fraud interview, which is extremely strenuous. You and your spouse are place in separate rooms with an USCIS officer. You are asked set of identical questions, and your answers are then compared.
If you are facing a marriage investigation or simply what to know what to expect after your upcoming nuptials, an Immigration Attorney Nashville TN can help. Even the strongest relationships can show signs of stress under a marriage investigation, Dawn A. Garcia Attorney At Law can help to ease your fears and guide you along the way. She understands your concern and can be a trusted confidante through the entire process. Browse website for more information.