Beggars Cant Be Choosers Mentality}

Submitted by: William Ramos

I didnt know there is such a coined phrase like that, much less a mentality. But I know someone who practically lives it through his life, unbeknownst of it. Guess who?

The psyche of a person under such mentality has a world so small, forever waiting for whatever crumbs are spared of him and has given no preference but to be grateful for everything, including laced denigration, words that sting and subquality ownership. He is robbed of the choices he wasnt aware was inherent in him, a right of every human being. Worse than any disability, he was made to believe he is mentally crippled, would not amount to anything, and must content himself with the hand-me-downs that others give.


How can we make people abused and victimized like that! Its almost as inhuman as heinous crime! Could be worse. Because the indelible scars are seared in the victims soul. You cant apply antibiotics to it, you cant see that havoc it wrecked. And if such isnt worse enough, the abused faces judgment from society and peers for not behaving the way it is dictated to as properly.

It takes the life out of living. Surely. Is being understood too much to ask, or is it near impossible of these days?

About the Author: WILLIAM Biagan Ramos is a person-on-wheelchair. An Accountancy graduate from the University of the East-kalookan, he uses his math background to hone the young minds of Elementary & High School students as a Private Tutor. He lives in Heritage Homes, Marilao Bulacan and the Creative Process of anything is his utmost passion. His wheelchair is symbolical only of how proud he is to be different. HIS LIFE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE LITERAL SENSE OF PHILIPPIANS 4:16: I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH.


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