Mountain Bike Accessories What’s Essential And What’s Not

By Rob Pool

As a beginner mountain biking enthusiast, it is easy to become like a child in a candy store. You may become enamored with all the accessories and want to purchase everything you see in the bike shop. Although there are many types of mountain bike accessories being sold in the market today, many of them are unneeded. So save your money for the essentials. Instead of buying everything, spend your money wisely on safety gear and accessories. A good bike store salesperson can help you decide which accessories are the most important.


A mountain bike helmet is one of the most important accessories that you need. Unfortunately, many bikers do not wear helmets when they ride. Perhaps they feel wearing a helmet takes away from the extreme nature of mountain biking. But wearing a helmet is one of the safest things you can do. You can prevent severe head injuries during a fall. To safeguard your head when negotiating difficult mountain bike trails, you need to wear a reliable headgear. A well made helmet is your best protection when you negotiating difficult trails. This one is really a no-brainer.



Next to a good mountain bike helmet, mountain bike gloves to protect your hands are the best accessory you can invest in. There are many times you will need to grip the handle of your bike tightly when you negotiate difficult trails. A good set of gloves will help cushion your hands. And if you should take a fall, your hands are usually the first thing that touches the ground. If you are not wearing gloves, you could suffer serious injuries when you try to break your fall and your hands hit the dirt and any sharp objects like rocks.

What type of gloves are the best to purchase? You are better off buying full-fingered gloves. While not quite as comfortable as those that protect only your palm and half the length of your fingers, full fingered gloves will protect you much better if you should take a fall.

Eye Protection

Your set of mountain bike accessories will not be complete without eye protection. It is important to protect your eyes when you go biking. You can run into some deep trouble if something like dust gets into your eyes and blurs your eyesight. Something as small as dust or small insects can easily get into your eyes while you negotiate mountain bike trails.


When it comes to accessories, a good pair of mountain bike shoes should also be on your list. Staying comfortable is very important to your overall enjoyment of a ride. If you buy a good pair of shoes designed specifically for mountain biking, your feet will be less sore than if you wear just any shoes.

There are many other accessories available for you to buy. But, if you are just starting out, this is a short list of those mountain bike accessories that you should consider to help you get the most enjoyment from your rides.

About the Author: Before you purchase a mountain bike or mountain bike accessories, make sure to visit

where you will quickly and easily find resources and information on many brands of mountain bikes and mountain

bike accessories.


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