Preparing Your Toddler For School

Preparing Your Toddler for School


Rodney Phineas

Making the right choice for your child is important. While it\’s difficult to see a pre-school child as a toddler, this may indeed be the case. For instance, Montessori schools begin at two to two and a half years of age, so the children are still somewhat small some may not be fully potty-trained yet. The important thing is to prepare your toddler for leaving home, especially if the primary caregiver has always stayed at home rather than working full-time.

Eating with Other Children

One of the first things that is going to be different for your child when he or she enters pre-school in Port Jefferson, NY is the requirement to eat with other children. This is especially important for parents who may have developed the habit of allowing their toddlers to eat breakfast or lunch in front of the television. Instead of having full control over where they eat, all children will sit at a child\’s table and eat together. In all likelihood the television will be turned off in fact, most pre-schools do not keep the television on at all times; it is part of the structured activities and only operates during certain times of the day.


Potty Training

If your child is not yet potty trained you may want to find out if the pre-school has the staff to work on that phase of your child\’s education. Some pre-schools will not take children that are not yet potty-trained, and if that is the case you will need to work on that before you enroll your child in pre-school. Of course, if you are not entering your child into pre-school until three or four, you probably do not have this problem.

Sharing Toys

Another problem that some parents face is their children learning to share toys, especially if there are no other children at home. What you may want to do before you send your child to pre-school is to start visiting with children in your family or neighborhood so your child can learn that not every toy in his or her possession at a given moment belongs to him or her. Sharing is a very important part of growing up and children who have not learned to share are not ready for pre-school; it will only lead to fights and tears.

Mealtimes Can Be Torture

Sometimes children who enter pre-school in Port Jefferson, NY have a problem with meals because they are used to being able to choose what they eat or they don\’t like sitting at the table during meals. Before your child enters pre-school, you need to develop a new schedule that includes preparing and serving meals at a specific time and making your child eat at the table.

Group Activities

Children who are used to being in control of their activities may have a difficult time with structured playtime or group activities. If you make the effort to teach your child to play with others and participate in group activities and fail to succeed, you may have a child who is not yet ready for childhood education in Port Jefferson, NY. Give it some time and allow your child to mature some first.

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