By Jason Bacot
Locksmiths in Chicago are making big business in more ways than one. While there are numerous legitimate, skilled, properly-trained locksmiths who make their honest living by serving the men and women of Chicago for all their security and safety needs, plus emergency lock-and-key situations, some unscrupulous characters take advantage of the trust that many people give their locksmiths to make quick, easy bucks.
In recent years, various scams and cases of frauds had been discovered to be using the profession of locksmithing to swindle people off of their hard-earned money. Various public service organizations and associations of locksmiths in Chicago are trying to fight these scams at the legislative level, but they are also embarking on an aggressive information campaign that will help the general public to be aware – and thus, to avoid becoming victims to these type of illegal operations.
SCAM 1: Incredibly affordable offers, which turns into a nightmare of overcharges. Many people who have reported getting scammed by people pretending to be Chicago locksmiths or by locksmiths looking for a quick cash said that they were lured by unbelievably low deals, which are sometimes 70 percent lower than average rates. When people in need of locksmith services calls, they were misled into thinking that the offers are actually the best choice in terms of prices. They soon realize, however, that they were being led a merry chase by the scammers, as the list of materials and service charges pile up. Oftentimes, the service rendered by the fraudulent “locksmiths” succeeded in nothing but aggravating the usually minor problems the customers had with their locks and keys.
SCAM 2: Internet ad hogs. Many people from Chicago had also reported instances of being overcharged by companies that they found through the Internet. During police investigations, it was discovered that the numerous locksmith companies hogging the Internet with their advertisements are just dummies for one or two big companies that lure costumers with unbelievable promos, then overcharges them by 200 to 400 percent of the original price quote after the service is completed.
SCAM 3: Blackmailers. Other locksmith frauds go beyond overcharging. When customers occasionally refuse to pay the overcharges, these unscrupulous characters try to finagle money from their victims by threatening to call the police, accusing the customers with theft. Few people can withstand such threats, and elderly people or very young students living away from adult supervision are particularly vulnerable to this type of locksmithing scam because they usually shy away from any involvement with the police or the inconvenience that this might bring.
SCAM 4: Locksmiths by day, burglars by night. Many people across Chicago had also reported instances when they had to call for the services of a locksmith and they decided to settle for one that is nearest or which seemed to have the best price. Unfortunately, they later find that their locks were never fixed and/or that people who turn out to be the very same locksmith they hired (and sometimes, a cohort or two) had broken into their property and took valuable items or cash. Other times, the fraudster will secretly make copies of the key to vaults or houses or cars in order to break in at a latter time.
About the Author: Jason Bacot – If you need any Car Locksmith work in Chicago, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Omega Locksmith 4329 W 26th ST. Chicago, IL. 60623 773-277-5625 OmegaLocksmith.com
Source: isnare.com
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