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Submitted by: Sarah C. Tan
In a singing contest, you usually hear judges say — youre flat, or pitchy, or you need to fix your intonation. That golden ticket would continue to elude you if you dont get some serious vocal work-ups and workouts. In voice lessons, singing in tune is always the first order of the day. Pitch problems mostly emanate from bad singing habits. And yes, they could be corrected with proper direction and exercises. Here are some bad singing habits to get rid of and vocal exercises you could perform to make you hit those notes and sing in tune.
Bad Singing Habits to Break
1. Improper Breathing
Your voice teachers could not stress enough the importance of breathing from your belly, singing with your diaphragm. Going against this will not give you enough air supply to sustain your voice. Hence, your voice buckles down and misses the right notes.
2. Improper Posture and Position
Improper posture may block air passages. Proper posture gives you the space for breath flow and control. It is best to stand up, slightly feet apart, and keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. Proper blood flow is essential to enable your voice to shine true.
3. Muscle Tension
o In singing high notes, singers tend to strain their neck too high. This actually has the opposite effect. There is a tendency to go out of tune because it makes singing more difficult. The sound of your voice is constricted and could possibly damage your vocal cords. You should instead, just slightly lift up your chin and flash a smile to relax your facial muscles.
o Your mouth, jaw, tongue, and throat should be relaxed. Nerves tighten up your mouth and jaw. Let them loose. Your throat should be expanded and your tongue should be flat. Again, this would allow you to gain better control of air flowing in and out of your body as you sing.
4. Using Too Much Vocal Force
Most students of voice lessons immediately want to achieve vocal power. Thus, your mindset is to stretch and push the limits of your voice. You sing loudly and belt out. Over-singing is detrimental to your efforts. It forces the notes until it breaks and goes out of tune. Instead, start singing softly until you get the right pitch. It is easier to achieve precision if you have more control of your breath and tone. Increase volume and power gradually.
5. Power over Passion
It should be the other way around. Passion in your singing should come through. If you feel connected to the song, the feeling helps in empowering your voice with the proper pitch and intonation. Go with the flow of your emotions.
You may have a good voice tone or possess fierce belting power. However, if your tune falls short or overshoots, or goes in wayward directions, it is really disastrous. But fret not. It happens to all singers, even the pros. Taking singing lessons with an experienced teacher could definitely help pinpoint these bad singing habits. They can fine tune your pitch problems. All you need is an open mind, a positive disposition, and a sense of cool confidence that you can hit it.
About the Author: Sarah Tan is a music instructor in Singapore who loves to share her extensive knowledge of music and the art of performing to her students and blog readers. Visit her site at
or call (065) 8168 8251.
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