Stomach Band Transforms Fat To Fit

Submitted by: Nicholas Bowen

Stomach band has become a very in thing these days, as it is getting famous with people with weight problems and with also who do not need to worry about. It has also become famous with many movie personalities and especially with the television actors and models. In addition, the best part of this stomach band is that it helps in gaining control while losing weight in a short span of time. Therefore, folks, what are you waiting for, go ahead and get that dream figure or physique of yours!

Stomach band is a good way of shedding extra weight that has become a headache or embarrasses one when that old jeans doest not fit or one is unable to perform those athletic activities. Stomach band is ideal for the one s who are suffering from high morbidity or who have a body mass index of 40 or greater than it does. Stomach band surgery is also known as bariatric surgery and changes the structure of the stomach to limit the intake of the food that one can eat or digest. Although stomach band offers quick fix solutions for the problem of losing weight. The stomach band comprises of silicone ring with an inflatable inner lining, which is designed to be placed around the upper section of the stomach. Then the stomach band is connected with a tube to an access point, which is placed just below the skin during surgery.


The placement of the stomach band is in such a way that it creates a small pouch or a bag at the top of the stomach to hold food, with the bulk of the stomach now being below the band. Stomach band also creates a very small opening known as stoma, between the various sections of the stomach and the size of this opening can be controlled by introducing saline into, or removing liquid from the inflatable inner ring of the band through the access port. During the stomach band surgery the inner band is normally given a very minimal inflation that helps in the production of a relatively large opening between the sections of stomach. In the period immediately followed by stomach band surgery, the inner ring will gradually get inflated until a point is reached at which weight loss is optimized and the patient is comfortable with the size and frequency of meals that he or she can eat and digest.

Though there are various ways of reducing flab and restrictive forms of weight loss methods and technologies are also readily available but the stomach band surgery is generally easier to perform than other procedures. Stomach band surgery is often performed laparoscopically which results in a short stay in hospital and the person can recuperate in very few days in comparison to other performed surgeries. Stomach band additionally avoids many of the nutritional problems seen in malabsorption surgery and gastric bypass surgery in which food is re-routed through part of the small intestine. Finally, the stomach band surgery is very reversible and removal of the band will result in the stomach returning to its normal size. Happy losing weight!

About the Author: He advises obese people about the best methods of reducing weight depending on their health and body condition. One of the reference sites he mentions regularly for information about and Gastric bypass,Gastric Banding is


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