Waxing Versus Laser Hair Removal

Submitted by: Ricardo D Argence

If you’ve recently been contemplating whether or not it would be better to wax versus exposing yourself to laser hair removal you’ve found the perfect article for information.

We’ve put together a few different pieces explaining what waxing is, how laser methods work and the pros and cons of each one. Hopefully, when you’re finished reading it, the route you want to take will be much clearer.

What Really is Waxing?

We’re pretty sure you’ve seen movies or heard horror stories about the pain that is associated with waxing. The easiest way to explain it is that people use this method to get rid of unwanted hair by the root.

If you want the cold wax technique, plan on having it smoothed across the hair you want removed then after pressing a paper strip on, it will be ripped off quickly in the opposite direction your hair grows.

Then again, there are those individuals who have sensitive skin, but still want a wax removal. If this is the case, hot wax will be applied, eventually cooling off and eventually being removed with a cloth. Whichever one you choose, they both work and have been utilized for years.


This creates smooth skin that can last up to as long as two months before having to go through the process again.

What is Laser Hair Removal and How Does It Work?

Sure, you probably know that with our technology today, lasers can remove unwanted hair but do you know how? What happens is the heat from the laser reaches the hair follicles and creates an inflammation eventually causing the unwanted hair to go into hibernation.

It takes anywhere from three to five treatments for the final touches to be made and then yearly routines as simply an ongoing maintenance.

Professionals must leave the laser in place long enough to heat the follicles, but at the same time not long enough to damage the outer skin in the process. Don’t worry, you will be having a skilled laser pro taking care of you and they’ve been schooled in this immensely.

Even though this may take a little longer to get the results, the lasting effects keep you from having to return every two months for another treatment once its over.

Which One Is Right For You

There are a few things you will end up considering before making a decision on which avenue you will take to remove unwanted hair. Many people will tell you that waxing is cheaper then laser hair removal, but we’re not sure how that is correct.

Waxing offers various prices depending on what areas you need hair removed. Legs, arms, your chin, lips, underarms, chest, back, and eyebrows are all places with their own prices. Spas can charge as much as $250 or more to have all these areas done.

Upfront costs of laser hair removal may be more, but having fewer visits throughout the first year and then only one each year thereafter helps in the long run.

Over years you will realize the cost effective savings by taking this route as opposed to a simple wax. However, both these methods work so, in the end, it just comes down to financial capabilities and whether or not you want to make a trip every couple months for many years to come.

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