Wild Flower Field Into Your Home Garden

Wild flower field into your home garden



Wild flowers and shrubs are those which are giving to your home garden a special charm and a natural, living and flaming view. Don’t be afraid to plant wild flowers into your garden, some of them matches very well to the cultivated flowers. Others love the sun or the shady corners or the stony garden.


Wild flowers are proper to many types of home gardens, adapting to the worse weather conditions. Wild flowers and shrub are not very pretentious, they love the unprepared soil, the sun, but there are species which have different needs of water, sun or soil. Wild flowers and plants grow in the arranged terraces or on the roofs, in the wayside, or even into very pressed soil. There are species of wild flower growing in sunny gardens: Oxyeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), Pussy Willow (Epilobium angustifolium), Borage (Achillea millefolium), Cowslip (Primula veris). You can mix the wild flowering plants with cultivated flowers. For example, Common Foxglove or Lady’s Glove (Digitalis purpurea) and Candle larkspur (Delphinium elatum) are flowering herbs which love to spend the time with roses. There are wild flowering plants for low light home gardens too. Of these are many blooming shrubs, such as: Robin’s eye (Geranium sylvaticum), the herbaceous perennial plant of Aquilegia vulgaris, Masterwort (Astrantia major) with beautiful white and red inflorescence, Ajuga or Carpet bugleweed (Ajuga reptans), Creeping Jenny or Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia), Tassel flower (Campanula glomerata). The bright yellow wild flowers of the Common evening prim-rose (Oenothera biennis) and of the Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) annunciate the summer coming. The wild flowers feel well also in the stone garden, representing useful plants to dress the put there stones or the stairs or the paved alley of your home garden. A species of this class is Pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris), with its delicate flowers blooming in April. Another stone flowering plant is Gymsophila repens which will cover with its bushy pink flowers the unpleasant stony corners of your home garden. The Sea thrift (Armeria maritima) and Armeria maritima Alba have a great stony soil tolerance, delighting the eyes since June till September with their bright pink flower blossoms and special white blooming. Buy the wild flowers seeds or sprigs or bulbs from flower shops and sow or plant them in their favorite soil. Don’t pick the wild flowers from the open fields, some of them are protected by the law. Let the wild flowers to seduce you and your guests and you’ll never stop looking on your wild flowers garden. It will become at once the favorite part of your house.

Whether you are looking for a guide on flower arrangements or gardening, or want to write educational articles, or want to download flower related stuff, or simply are looking to learn about the floral industry, the website flowersgrowing will provide you with information you can rely on. With a wide ranging array of topics exclusively devoted to flowers.

Read all about flowers, plants and garden here: http://www.flowersgrowing.com

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Wild flower field into your home garden